Friday 21 January 2011


2011 is a big year for Cove Bikes , 30 years ago , in Deep Cove , North Vancouver 3 friends of mine opened the first “ MTB only” bike shop in Canada. I remember seeing the first bikes they brought up from California, back then even Rocky Mountain Bikes were only selling road bikes. 30 years means a lot to me as it also means I have been riding for 30 years , and I turn 50 this year! After riding and racing so long I am amazed that I still think I am getting better as a rider. I am sure I can go faster now than when I was 20, maybe not climb like I used to、but overall I am a much better rider now. Bikes as well have come a long way, I laughed when HB(Greg Herbold) started riding his Rocshox prototype back in 89, now I spend 80-90% of my riding on 6 inches of plush front and rear suspension. . Cove bikes has also come a long way , when we started riding on the trails in our backyard we never realized where the sport would take us. While I was travelling around the USA living out of my VW van and racing, Chaz was living on the floor of his bike shop trying to survive. He told me about his mechanics destroying their bikes on the North Shore, he showed me his new bike for the Shore and he changed the way we all think about bikes . Over this coming year I want to write a bit more about the Coves history and the tribe , so many good riders and people have come through the shop it should be fun.
I hope 2011 is a good year for all of us , for me I want to do something special for my 50th year, maybe the BC race solo , maybe a backflip over the Yamanote Line we`ll see. I can`t wait to see what the next 30 years will bring us.
Happy New Year !

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