Wednesday 7 March 2012

Olympic Downhill Please !

Its early March now,spring is showing itself now and my body tells me its time to ride! The trails are still wet and muddy but it won't be long until I can start riding on the lower elevation trails. For now I will stick to my road bike. Mountainbiking is what got me into cycling and will always be my first choice but as I got stronger and rode more I came to enjoy road riding and racing as well. When it comes to watching races on TV I find that watch the pro road races more than anything, its awesome to watch the best racers riding over such hard courses. I was a pretty good xc rider but when I watch a xc race I find it hard as really there is not much action, it is a participation sport not a viewing sport. This summer the biggest sporting event is the London Olympics and the world will be watching. I hope the xc race is a bit more exciting to watch than the race 4 years ago in Bejing but it is hard to show how demanding it really is. I wonder why the Downhill is not yet included? The winter olympics have the Ski Downhill event and it is one of the most viewed events of the games, anyone who watched Danny Hill's winning run in last years world championship would agree that the world is ready for this!