Monday 25 June 2012

Starting Young

 It seems like yesterday that my youngest child, Dayna , started riding a bike. He is now 7 and has been chasing his older brother for 3 years now. He really seems to enjoy watching the latest Freeride movies, he tells me Thomas Vanderham is pretty good,  and it is fun watching him trying to copy him.  He doesn't jump or shred the berms just yet but his riding style and position on the bike is perfect, he stands on top of the bike and uses his knees to absorb the bumps and jumps. This year he is riding Panorama's c-course and loving it! When I look back at what I was riding at 7 and see what the young kids are doing today it is not suprising to see how good all the young riders are these days, I can't go back to my youth but I thank my boys all the time for making me try!