Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Monday, 19 May 2014
Big Smiles
Last weekend I spent 2 days riding some pretty advanced terrain with some talented riders. They are capable of pretty well anything I can throw at them, big climbs , technical descents even a little rock climbing to get to the trail head. When we stopped for lunch a few of them still had big grins on their faces and my youngest son said "They had fun , I want to go there". I am not sure if he is capable yet of such an adventure but can't wait to let him try. I get quite a few children coming for a ride with their parents and love to see their smiles as we ride through the forest. Not many sports can put the same smile on a 9 year old as well as a 69 year old all at the same time. I am a very lucky man to have found the sport of MTB so many years ago. Keep the wheels turning,,
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Tuesday, 22 April 2014
Golden Week Cycling
After a long deep winter finally the sun came out and warmed us up here on Yatsugatake, the trails now have no snow on them and are drying up nicely. We still have a few days open during the Golden Week Holiday, get in contact with us and come on out for a ride!
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014
The Kami-Sama's House or his World?
I spent the last 2 days riding with 2 clients who are over here visiting Japan for the first time. They started in Fukuoka and have traveled the main "Tourist Line" up through Hiroshima , Kyoto and Nara. When I met them at the train station they told me they didn't need to see any more Temples or Shrines. I told them that where we were going that would be no problems, we were going to spend our time in the Kami-sama's world not his house.
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Friday, 21 March 2014
Searching for Spring
It has been a long winter this year, much more snow than I have seen here in the 20 years I have lived on Mount Yatsugatake. I just said goodbye to a family from Toronto , Canada. They came to me looking to ride some nice easy rides in a warm area. I decided to take them to the Seto Inland Sea and Shikoku for 4-5 days of riding. It ended up being a perfect match for them and also myself as I hadn't ridden for the last 4 months. We used ferries and my van to avoid any urban built up areas and managed to get in 4 very good and different rides. We started following the famous Shimanami Cycling route that follows the highway over to Shikoku from the main Island, 2 days following the coast and beautiful rivers then back towards Hiroshima over some forgotten islands. The weather stayed cool but nice for us and we even saw some early blossoms mixed with the citrus fruits as we rode along quiet backroads. We finished the trip in Hiroshima and spent a day being tourists at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and Museam. I have now visit the Park 4 times and it never gets easier for me emotionally to deal with it but, I truly feel that every human should visit here at least once in their lifetime , It would make the world a much more peaceful place.
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Monday, 3 March 2014
Warming Up!
The weather has changed quickly here this year, we have gone from a full on winter season to nice warm spring days quite suddenly here on Yatsugatake Mtn. 2 weeks ago we were riding snowboards in 120 cms of fresh snow and now we are riding the bikes at the lower elevations! This year I was hoping a long break from the bikes would help my body get over all the aches and pains I had lingering on from a few good crashes I took in 2013, but as the new year rolled in I seem to have found ways to abuse myself even further and now am looking forward to some serious recovery on the bike! Looking forward to meeting and riding with you all in 2014, lets have a good one !
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Wednesday, 8 January 2014
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !
Good Bye 2013 and Hello 2014! Here at Freeride Adventures we hope all our friends have a wonderful and fulfilling 2014. After having a big break, almost 5 weeks without a ride! I feel refreshed and ready to start up again for the new year. I feel a lot of cyclists , especially all the new ones here in Japan would really benefit from a break from the bike instead of going hard at it 12 months a year. As I get older I feel I can still ride very well and think if I got in good shape I would not be too slow in a race but recovering from little aches and pains is impossible unless I take a break from my bicycles. I don't stop exercising but try and do something different. My boys have been Speed Skating for the last few years so for me skating 3 times a week is my workout. Skating is probably not the best as its the hardest sport I have ever tried. I have gained much respect over the last few years for all the kids and their parents who brave the -10 degree nights to go out skating. Not only is it cold , skating around a 400 meter ice track trying to be as low as possible hurts, there is no easy way to do it. Back in the day when I was an elite cyclist I would swim through the winter and still feel that this is one of the most benificial sports for any athlete, the bouyancy of the water makes for a very low impact cardio workout. 2014 is going to be a big year here on Yatsugatake , come visit!
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